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Cursos en Inglés

Teología Cristiana


Avanzando en tu entendimiento de la teología cristiana

Emprende un viaje académico con nuestros cursos dedicados a profundizar tu comprensión de la teología cristiana. Explora las complejidades de la teología sistemática, participa en reflexiones profundas y sumérgete en las profundidades de la sabiduría eclesiástica.

This is a systematic study of 39 biblical doctrines starting at the most elementary and proceeding to the most advanced. It is a tremendous tool to give believers of different levels of maturity a basic understanding of what the Bible says about 39 doctrines.

This study examines the reasons behind five major emotional wounds and the way to become whole again.

From being a shepherd boy to becoming the king of Israel, the anointing transformed David’s life. (I Samuel 16 – II Samuel 3)

There is a great difference in being a man of God and becoming God’s Man. (II Samuel 3 – I Kings 1)

The story of the Prodigal clearly illustrates the need for unity between progressives and conservatives working together for the future of the family. (Luke 15:11-32)

The tragic story of Jephthah is a vivid reminder of why our minds need to be renewed by the word of God. (Judges 11-12)

This is a study on obtaining righteousness with God and living a life which is pleasing to Him. (Genesis Chapters 12-24)

The Bible speaks of “the mystery of iniquity.” In this study we examine the problem of doing your own thing and the solution for rebellion. (II Timothy 2:7-8)

In a secular world which believes God is a myth and that science holds the answers to all of mankind’s dilemmas, this question demands an answer. (Romans 1:18-23)

God declared Himself the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. By doing so, He is saying His kingdom is built on covenant relationships. (Matthew 22:32)
