Curso: Job, Triunfando sobre el Problema
— APRENDA Job: Triunfando sobre el problema ★★★★★ 4.85/5 Job, el libro más antiguo de la Biblia, trata sobre la pregunta de por qué suceden cosas malas a personas buenas. #LibroDeJob #EstudioBiblico Comenzar Lección 1 Lección 2 Lección 3 Lección 4 Lección 5 Lección 6 Lección 7 Lección 8 Lección 9 Lección 10 Lección 11 […]
Course: The President of Babylon (Daniel)
— Learn The President of Babylon (Daniel) ★★★★★ 4.85/5 What God did with Daniel’s life is truly amazing. God took a Jewish slave boy and made him the President of Babylon. Start Lesson 1: The President of Babylon Lesson 2: Respecting Authority Lesson 3: The Pleasures of Babylon Lesson 4: Prospering in Babylon Lesson 5: […]
Course: Wake Up, Esther!
— Learn Wake Up, Esther! ★★★★★ 4.85/5 God almost always uses people in His plans of deliverance. God can save the Jewish race from genocide if He can wake-up Esther. Start Lesson 1: The Powerful Church Lesson 2: The Passionate Church Lesson 3: The Victorious Church Instructor: Dr. Dale Yerton Participants: 1.550 Students Language: English […]
Course: Job: Triumphing over Trouble
— Learn Triumphing over Trouble ★★★★★ 4.85/5 Job, the oldest book in the Bible, deals with the question of why bad things happen to good people. Start Lesson 1: The Problem of Pain Lesson 2: Does God Gamble? Lesson 3: The Lost Bet Lesson 4: The Battle of Biterness Lesson 5: The Failure of Fickle […]
Course: The Treasury of David
— Learn The Treasury of David ★★★★★ 4.85/5 David wrote 75% of the Psalms in our Bibles. This is a study of some outstanding songs and the great messages they bring to us. Start Lesson 1: The Blessed Life Lesson 2: Sword and Shield Lesson 3: At Home With God Lesson 4: Lord Of Creation […]
Course: Song of Love
— Learn Song of Love ★★★★★ 4.85/5 When Solomon says “Song of Songs” he means this is my best song. He is celebrating the love shared with a king and the woman of his dreams Start Lesson 1: The Song of Love Lesson 2: The Kiss of Love Lesson 3: The Banquet House Lesson 4: […]
Course: Moses: Man of God
— Learn Moses:Man of God ★★★★★ 4.85/5 God uses Moses to lead a multitude of slaves from Egypt to the promise land. Start Lesson 1: The God of Victory Lesson 2: Why leaders die young Lesson 3: The Law of Life Lesson 4: Gods of Gold Lesson 5: Moses’ Finest Hour Lesson 6: How to […]
Course: Moses: Setting the Captives Free
— Learn Moses: Setting the Captives Free This study of the book of Exodus gives highlights of the liberation of the Israeli people from slavery. ★★★★★ 4.85/5 Start Lesson 1: Born After Midnight Lesson 2: Dealing with Dissapointment Lesson 3: Bowing Before a Burning Bush Lesson 4: The Rod and The Serpent Lesson 5: The […]
Course: Joshua: More than a Conqueror
— Learn Joshua: More than a Conqueror ★★★★★ 4.85/5 This study examines the reasons behind five major emotional wounds and the way to become whole again. Start Lesson 1: Making a Leader Lesson 2: From Prostitute to Princess Lesson 3: Following the Ark Lesson 4: The Walls Came Tumbling Down Lesson 5: Warfare with the […]
Course: How to Live a Happy Life
— Learn How to Live a Happy Life ★★★★★ 4.85/5 Solomon, like a college president giving advice on life to a class of freshmen, shows us how to make a profit with our lives. Start Lesson 1: Don’t Burst Your Bubble Lesson 2: Chasing the Wind Lesson 3: Eat Drink and be What? Lesson 4: […]